Contents 3 Profile 5 Executive Board 5 Supervisory Board 6 Recommendations of the Supervisory Board 8 Key figures in guilders 9 Key figures in euros 10 Review of the Executive Board 10 Chairman's statement 13 Outlook 16 General review 16 - Heineken, Amstel and specialties 17 - Research and Development 18 - Environment 18 - Alcohol and society 19 - Personnel 22 Review by region 22 - Europe 27 - Western Hemisphere 31 - Africa 32 - Asia Pacific 37 Financial review 42 Map of the world 45 Financial Statements 1999 46 - Consolidated Balance Sheet 47 - Consolidated Statement of Income 48 - Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 49 - Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet, Statement of Income and Cash Flow Statement 62 - List of capital investments 64 - Balance Sheet of Heineken N.V. 65 - Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N.V. 66 - Notes to the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N.V. 69 Supplementary notes 70 Financial Statements 1999 in guilders 70 - Consolidated Balance Sheet 72 - Consolidated Statement of Income 73 - Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 74 - Balance Sheet of Heineken N.V. 76 - Profit and loss account of Heineken N.V. 78 Ten-year history of Heineken in euros 80 Ten-year history of Heineken in guilders 83 Information for shareholders This is an English version of the Dutch original which shall prevail Une version abrégée est également disponible en langue franyaise. 2

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1999 | | pagina 8