Consolidated Cash Flow Statement in millions of guilders Cash flow from operating activities Operating profit Earnings of non-consolidated participations Depreciation and value adjustments Changes in provisions Working capital changes Cash flow from operations Interest paid and received Taxation paid on profit Cash flow from operating activities Dividends paid Cash dividend on recapitalization Cash flow from operating activities less dividends paid Cash flow from investing activities Tangible fixed assets Consolidated participations Non-consolidated participations Other financial fixed assets Cash flow from financing activities Long-term borrowings Repayment of long-term debts Investment facilities Net cash flow Other movements in funds: Changes in the consolidation Changes in exchange rates Movement in balance of funds The balance of funds consists of: Cash at bank and in hand Securities Indebtedness to credit institutions Position on December 31 1999 1,761.6 111.7 942.3 -58.8 -101.6 -247.5 2,655.2 -92.5 -500.9 2,061.8 247.5 1,814.3 1998 1,452.6 96.6 821.7 -47.8 105.4 -217.5 -34.8 2.428.5 -24.9 -460.0 1.943.6 -252.3 1,691.3 -971.0 -121.9 -73.8 4.7 -1,162.0 -823.3 -307.4 -452.8 -19.8 -1,603.3 182.0 -213.5 2.6 -28.9 623.4 -162.4 23.6 484.6 2,567.3 93.4 -476.9 2,183.8 294.9 -120.1 0.8 175.6 263.6 8.9 -60.5 212.0 1,982.1 106.9 - 389.7 1,699.3 HEINEKEN N. V. ANNUAL REPORT 19 9 9 73

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1999 | | pagina 74