1999 1998 Stocks Raw materials Products in process Finished products Goods bought in for resale Non-returnable packaging materials Other stocks Advance payments on stocks 75.7 48.9 124.4 89.1 45.9 99.7 6.5 490.2 73.9 50.7 105.2 66.7 38.9 98.2 18.3 451.9 Accounts receivable The accounts receivable becoming due and payable in at most one year relate to: Accounts receivable from trade debtors Less: deposits due on packaging materials 827.9 -213.7 614.2 752.5 -199.6 552.9 Accounts receivable from non- consolidated participations Other receivables Prepayments and accrued income 45.4 131.4 111.5 902.5 24.3 114.3 83.7 775.2 Securities Listed securities Unlisted securities 3.1 2.7 39.3 45.8 42.4 48.5 Cash at bank and in hand Cash in hand, balances at banks 154.5 128.2 Short-term cash deposits 1,010.5 771.2 1,165.0 899.4 The total amount of cash at bank and in hand is freely available H E I N E K E N N. V. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 19 9 9 53

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1999 | | pagina 54