Intangible assets Goodwill, being the difference between the price paid and the valuation, calculated according to Heineken policies of newly acquired participations in which at least significant influence is exercised over management policy, is offset against share holders' equity. Moreover, in the case of acquisition of beverage wholesalers, the purchase price is almost totally determined by the client base, which, as an intangible fixed asset, in line with Group accounting principles is not shown as an asset. Hence, a signifi cant part ofthe purchase price is goodwill. Costs of other intangible assets, including brands, patents, licences, software, research and development, are charged directly to the statement of income. Accounting policies for the valuation of assets and liabilities Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets have been valued on the basis of replacement cost and, with the exception of sites, after deduction of cumulative depreciation. The following average economic life-tables are applied in determing depreciation: Plants 30-40 years Machinery and installations 10-30 years Other fixed operating assets 5-10 years The replacement cost is based on valuations by internal and external experts, taking technical and economic developments into account, and support ed by the experience gained in the construction of breweries worldwide. Projects under construction are stated at cost of acquisition. The non-consolidated participations in which a significant influence is exercised over management policy are stated at the Heineken share in the net asset value. As far as possible this net asset value is determined on the basis ofthe Heineken accounting policies. The other non-consolidated participations are valued at the cost of acquisition, after deduction of provisions considered necessary. Loans to non-consolidated participations and other financial fixed assets are shown at parvalue, less a provision for bad debts. Current assets Stocks obtained from third parties have been valued on the basis of replacement cost. The replacement cost is based on the prices of current purchase contracts and on market prices applicable on the balance sheet date. Finished products and products in process are valued at manufacturing cost, based on replacement cost and taking into account the stage of processing. Stocks of spare parts are depreciated on a straight- line basis in view ofthe reduction of application possibility. Provisions on stocks are made up to the recoverable amount or net realizable value where this is lower than the replacement value. Prepayments on stocks are stated at par value. Accounts receivable are shown at par value, after deduction of a provision for bad debts and less the amount of deposits due in line with the obligation to take back own packaging materials. Securities are valued at the cost of acquisition except where the market price or the estimated market value of unlisted securities is lower. Cash at bank and in hand is stated at parvalue. Revaluation Differences in valuation resulting from revaluation are credited or debited to the Group funds, where applicable after deduction of an amount for deferred tax liabilities. Investment facilities equalization account The purpose of the investment facilities equaliza tion account is to apportion the amounts received under arrangements in several countries with regard to investments over the estimated life of the assets concerned. Provisions xhe provision for deferred tax liabilities is calculated at the nominal value for timing differences in valuation between the balance sheet and the statement offinancial condition for fiscal purposes, and the taxes on profit distributions which are borne by the Group. Calculation ofthe liabilities takes place at the tax rates applicable on the balance sheet date, and at par value. Deferred tax assets are netted off with deferred tax liabilities, taking into account the terms ofthe deferred tax 50

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1999 | | pagina 51