1997 1996 Provisions These comprise: Provision for deferred tax liabilities Provision for pension liabilities Provision for other personnel schemes Other provisions 628,528 156,885 650,499 258,284 1,694,196 635,449 162,061 625,040 195,656 1,618,206 The provision for pension liabilities concerns pensions and life annuities which have not been funded with third parties. The average rate of interest used in calculating the present value of the provision for pension liabilities, taking account of applicable rates in the relevant countries, is 5% ('996:5%J. A major part of this provision covers liabilities in Spain where pension liabilities have to be placed outside the company within two years. The provision for other personnel schemes concerns several early retirement and reorganization schemes. Additions due to planned restructuring programmes are charged to the profit and loss account of the year, with the exception restructuring of interests acquired during the financial year; these form part of the goodwill upon acquisition. Other provisions comprise provisions formed for consolidated participations and for sureties given. In addition,provisions are formed for litigation and for costs relating to the introduction of the Euro and for adjustments to software in regard to the year 2000. Some NLG t. 6 billion of the provisions (1996: NLG 1.5 billion) has a term in excess of one year Long-term debts Total More than Total More than 5 years 5 years The debts becoming due and payable after more than one year relate to: Loans from credit institutions, in NLC, interest 5.59%, redeemable in 2006 Loans from credit institutions, in FRF, interest 4.1%, redeemable in 2001 250,000 269,440 250,000 266,320 Private contract loan, in NLG, interest 6.77% redeemable on June 2, 2000 Other debentures and private contract loans, average interest rate 6.7% (1996: 5.2%) Other debts, interest free 182,580 56,554 908,574 150,000 76,292 25,497 351,789 311,576 64,504 792,400 150,000 28,280 23,680 51,960 In relation to the other debentures and private contract loans securities in the form of mortgages have been given up to an amount of NLG 790 million f1996: NLG 27 8 million). 56

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1997 | | pagina 70