Excellent consumer relations The position of Heineken in the markets of the future will be determined by how far we can go with our brand portfolio in developing excellent consumer relations. The challenge which confronts us is how to sustain the philosophy of Alfred Heineken. Put another way - how we can give our brands added-value in a fast moving environment. Philippe Pasquet (59) is president of our French operating company, Sogebra. "Consumer expectations are in ongoing acceleration mode. Demands for service rise apace. People want greater transparency plus a more personal approach. So, the key to success lies in developing a solid relationship. At the same time we have to take account of parallel developments around the drawing power of communication media. On one hand we're seeing a reduction in the reach of the existing, traditional media - despite the growth in the number of TV channels, to take one example. And on the other hand new media like internet, sponsorship and event marketing are steadily increasing their penetration power. Internet in particular offers us potential to build a very personal relationship with our consumers. With that in mind I reckon that over the next, say ten, twenty years we'll definitely need to shift our approach from reaching the consumer to touching the consumer. More than ever this means getting to the heart of the consumer, if we want to add maximum value to our brands."

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1997 | | pagina 34