Consolidated 1995 1994 Statement of Cash Flows in thousands of guilders Cash flow from operating activities Trading profit 1,005,814 894,711 Earnings of non-consolidated participations 49,664 38,593 Depreciation and value adjustments 555,921 586,406 Changes in provisions 10,754 33,041 Working capital changes 98,897 223,298 Cash flow from operations 1,721,050 1,776,049 Interest paid and received 14,695 17,761 Taxation paid on profit - 326,031 - 301,964 Extraordinary Group income after taxation - 58,636 Cash flow from operating activities 1,409,714 1,550,482 Dividends paid - 176,693 - 169,469 Cash dividend in respect of bonus share issue - 27,875 - Cash flow from operating activities less dividends paid 1,205,146 1,381,013 Cash flow from investing activities Tangible fixed assets - 563,344 - 368,207 Consolidated participations - 92,923 - 269,559 Non-consolidated participations - 74,502 - 60,191 Other financial fixed assets - 27,286 - 37,158 758,055 - 735,115 Cash flow front financing activities Long-term borrowings Repayment of long-term debts Investment facilities 78,741 43,805 254,121 - 446,287 20,991 8,074 154,389 - 394,408 Net cash flow Other movements in funds: Changes in the consolidation Changes in exchange rates Movement in balance of funds 292,702 251,490 13,059 - 158,262 42,807 - 27,294 236,836 65,934 The balance of funds consists of: - Cash at bank and in hand - Securities Indebtedness to credit institutions 2,027,405 127,456 505,216 1,605,919 134,377 327,487 Position on December 31 1,649,645 1,412,809

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1995 | | pagina 56