Statement of cash flows in millions of guilders 1995 1994 Cash flow from operating activities Dividends paid - Investing activities - 1,410 205 - 758 - 1,550 169 735 447 646 Borrowings 79 43 Repayments on loans - 254 - 446 Other financing 21 8 Net cash flow 293 251 1600 1500 1400 1300 Cash flow from operating activities 1,410 Cash flow from operating activities and investments The cash flow from operating activities was NLG 28.10 per share. In 1994, excluding net extraordinary income and restated for the bonus share issue, it was NLG 29.73. The cash flow was used for dividend payment, investments and repayment of debts. The remainder of NLG 293 million was added to the cash resources. The investments in tangible fixed assets were NLG 563 million and in participations NLG 167 million. The principal acquisitions related to the purchase of Interbrew Italia and the obtaining of a 66% interest in Zlaty Bazant in Slovakia. In addition, the participation in a number of existing holdings was increased and a number of drinks wholesalers were purchased. 1000 800 700 Investing activities 758 Financing and liquidity Group funds rose by 7.9% to NLG 5,080 million. The ratio between Group funds and other capital employed was 1.11 compared with 1.12 in the previous year. Shareholders' equity increased from NLG 4,354 million to NLG 4,734 million. This is the result of the addition of the proposed profit retention for 1995 (NLG 489 million) and of the charging to shareholders' equity of the cash dividend in connection with 500 400 300 Financing structure in millions of guilders 1995 1994 amount amount Group funds 5,080 52 4,708 53 Equalization account and deferred taxes 743 8 701 8 Risk-bearing capital 5,823 60 5,409 61 Other provisions 779 8 780 8 Debts 3,039 32 2,730 31 9,641 100 8,919 100 CM CO Cash flow from operating activities in relation to investing activities in millions of guilders the bonus share issue (NLG 28 million), goodwill (NLG 72 million) and revaluation (NLG 9 million). Shareholders' equity per share was NLG 94.35 compared with NLG 86.78 in 1994 after restatement for the bonus share issue. The current ratio, i.e. the ratio between current assets and current liabilities, was 1.60 compared with 1.61 in the previous year. 19

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1995 | | pagina 27