4 Supervisory Council and Executive Board 5 Recommendations of the Supervisory Council 9 Key figures 11 Key figures in ECU's 13 Report of the Executive Board 13 In brief 16 Financial developments 20 Personnel 20 Environment and society 22 Research and development 23 Europe 31 Western Hemisphere 33 Africa 3 5 Asia /A ustralia 36 Prospects 39 Annual Accounts 1993 40 Consolidated Balance Sheet 42 Consolidated Statement of Income 43 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 44 Notes to the Consolidated Balance SheetStatement of Income and Statement of Cash Flows 5 6 List of Capital Investments 5 8 Balance Sheet of Heineken N. V. 59 Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N. V. 60 Notes to the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N. V. 63 Supplementary notes 64 Ten-year review of Heineken English translation of the original Dutch report. Le rapport annuel est également public en traduction frangaise. 1 hectolitre (hi) 22 Imperial gallons 26.418 US gallons. 1,000 guilders (NLG 1,000) approximately 348 approximately US 515 (at December 31,1993)

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1993 | | pagina 13