13 Capital employed: (in millions of guilders) 1988 1987 Amount Amount Fixed assets 4,482 68 4,020 66 Current assets 2,058 32 2,031 34 6,540 100 6,051 100 Changes in the financing: (in millions of guilders) share of minority interests in Group funds changed owing to their participations in share issues of consolidated participa tions of N.fl. 73 million, and by - N.fl. 137 million on account of changes in the extent of the consolidation. In regard to the latter, the acquisition of the remaining shares of Sogebra S.A. caused the 1988 1987 Source less application Long-term borrowings Repayments on long-term borrowings Other financing Movements in cash and securities and indebtedness to bankers -280 155 -137 103 -101 121 -193 29 -159 -144 Net profit (in millions of guilders) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 greatest change. The most important issue of shares took place at El Aguila, Spain and amounted to N.fl. 143 million, of which N.fl. 70 million was placed with minority shareholders. In 1988, the ratio between Group funds and other capital employed was 0.93, compared to 0.92 in the previous financial year. The shareholders' equity per share rose from N.fl. 95.94 in 1987 to N.fl. 107.91 in 1988. The proportion of fixed assets financed by Group funds amounted to 0.70, com pared to 0.72 in the previous financial year. The ratio between current assets and current liabilities was 1.27. In 1987, the ratio for this was 1.31 During the financial year, long-term debts, on balance, rose by N.fl. 18 million. New debts to an amount of N.fl. 155 million were contracted, whilst long-term debts to an amount of N.fl. 137 million were repaid. An amount of N.fl. 32 million was received in the form of investment facilities. The liquidity position, consisting of the sum of cash at bank and in hand and securities less the short-term indebted ness to credit institutions, fell by N.fl. 159 million to N.fl. 288 million. This was due to the high level of investment in tangible fixed assets and the acquisition of parti cipations including the purchase, at a sum of N.fl. 200 million, of the remaining 49% of the share capital of Sogebra S.A., France. Appropriation of profit According to the Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N.V. the net profit is N.fl. 290,787,000. In accordance with Article 12 of the Com pany's Articles of Association it is pro posed that an amount of N.fl. 89,911,000 shall be appropriated for payment of dividend. This proposal corresponds to a dividend of N.fl. 3.50 per share of N.fl. 25.-, of which an amount of N.fl. 1.50 per share was already made payable as interim dividend on Septem ber 16, 1988. It is proposed that the remainder of N.fl. 200,876,000 shall be added to the General Reserve. If the above proposal is approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on April 27, 1989, the final dividend for the year of N.fl. 2.- per share of N.fl. 25.- will be made payable on divi dend coupon No. 41 on May 16, 1989. Bonus issue It will be proposed that one bonus share be issued for every four old shares against the revaluation reserve and that a cash dividend of N.fl. 0.694 per old share, equal to the Netherlands tax to be withheld in respect of this bonus is sue, be paid against the general reserve. Consequently coupons 39 and 40 may be utilized as from May 12, 1989. The new shares will fully qualify for divi dend for 1989.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1988 | | pagina 25