Geographical breakdown of personnel (numbers) 6,290 The Netherlands 10,968 Rest of Europe 756 Western Hemisphere 6.658 Africa 4.047 Asia/Australia/Oceania systems in use for management development. The aim of these systems is to ensure that the career development of employees is based on the capacities of each individual and the needs of the enterprise. In this connection a start was made on an international scale with structured annual management reviews, during which the job evaluations and the annual staff reports are important elements. The reviews seek to evaluate the development of the organization as well as the career development of present and future managers, and to correlate them systematically. During the year under review the average number of employees in our enterprise was 28,719, compared with 28,418 in 1987. For the Netherlands these figures were 6,290 and 6,206 respectively. The commitment and creativity of our employees have an important effect on the course of affairs in our enterprise. We wish to express our appreciation for the dedication and enthusiasm of all our personnel during the year under review.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1988 | | pagina 22