Annual Accounts Consolidated Balance Sheet Heineken N.V. annual accounts 1987 28 (after appropriation of profit) Assets December 31, 1987 December 31, 1986 (in thousands of guilders) Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets Financial fixed assets 3,701,848 317,815 3,206,296 260,172 Current assets Stocks Accounts receivable Securities Cash at bank and in hand 661,143 721,216 36,841 611,641 4,019,663 849,888 703,229 30,272 731,053 3,466,468 2,030,841 2,314,442 6,050,504 5,780,910

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1987 | | pagina 32