12 Statement of source and application of funds: (in millions of guilders) 1 1987 Cash flow 705 678 Investments Other funds applied Dividends paid Funds applied 682 517 26 114 98 130 806 761 affiliates concerned, and changes in the extent of the consolidation. Expressed as a percentage of share holders' equity, net profit was 11.6%, compared with 12.7% in 1986. Net profit per share was N.fl. 11.16, which represents a slight increase over the previous year, when net profit per share was N.fl. 11.11. Financing structure as at December 31: (in millions of guilders) 1987 Amount Amount Group funds 2.895 48 2.641 46 Equalization account and Deferred taxes 712 12 666 11 Other provisions 278 4 270 5 Debts 2,166 36 2,204 38 6.051 100 5.781 100 Source and Application of Funds Cash flow (in millions of guilders) 499 588 598 678 705 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Cash flow - Group profits after taxes plus depreciation and value adjustments, and plus or minus the movements in the provisions - was N.fl. 705 million, com pared with N.fl. 678 million in the previous financial year, an increase of 4.0%. Tak ing into account the part allocable to minority interests in the Group cash flow, cash flow per share was N.fl. 23.67, com pared with N.fl. 23.98 in 1986. The total funds applied rose from N.fl. 761 million in 1986 to N.fl. 806 million in 1987, exceeding the 1987 cash flow by N.fl. 101 million. Investments in tangible fixed assets were N.fl. 596 million, which rep resents an increase of N.fl. 166 million over the previous year. The principal investments in tangible fixed assets were in the Netherlands N.fl. 171 million, Spain N.fl. 150 million, France N.fl. 69 million, Italy N.fl. 46 million and the African breweries N.fl. 87 million. Investments net of disinvestments in financial fixed assets amounted to N.fl. 63 million, of which N.fl. 57 million relates to non-consolidated participations. Investments in extension of the consoli dated interests were N.fl. 23 million. Net working capital, excluding the balance of cash at bank and in hand, securities and short-term indebtedness to credit institutions, rose by N.fl. 26 million. The dividends paid, which include the dividends paid to minority interests, were N.fl. 98 million. Financing and liquidity Group funds rose from N.fl. 2,641 million to N.fl. 2,895 million. The main reasons for the increase were the profit retention of N.fl. 197 million, net revaluations of N.fl. 31 million and the rise in minority interests by N.fl. 37 million. The ratio between Group funds and other capital employed improved from 0.84 in 1986 to 0.92 in 1987. The shareholders' equity per share was N.fl. 95.94, compared with N.fl. 87.51 in the previous year. The proportion of fixed assets financed by Group funds was 0.72, compared with 0.76 in 1986. The change in this ratio is due to the presentation in 1987 of return able bottles as tangible fixed assets, whereas these assets were previously included under stocks. The ratio between current assets and current liabilities de clined from 1.45 to 1.31. This ratio, too, has been affected by the fact that return able bottles are no longer included under stocks. During the year new debts to an amount of N.fl. 121 million were contracted, whilst long-term debts to an amount of N.fl. 193 million were repaid. Consequently the long-term debts declined by N.fl. 72 mil lion. In 1987 the existing Euro-guilder Notes loan of N.fl. 100 million, 10% interest was repaid. An amount of

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1987 | | pagina 20