Report of Heineken N.V. for the financial year January 1 - December 31,1987 Contents 5 Key figures 6 Supervisory Council and Executive Board 7 Recommendations of the Supervisory Council 8 Report of the Executive Board 28 Consolidated Balance Sheet 30 Consolidated Statement of Income 31 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet and Statement of Income 41 Source and application of funds 42 List of capital interests 44 Balance Sheet of Heineken N.V. 45 Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N.V. 46 Notes to the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account 49 Supplementary notes 50 Ten years Heineken English translation of the original Dutch annual report. Le rapport annuel est également publié en traduction frangaise. 1 hectolitre (hi) 22 Imperial gallons 26.418 US gallons. 1,000 guilders (N.fl. 1,000.-) approximately 300. approximately US S 556.- (at December 31, 1987) Heineken N.V. 2e Weteringplantsoen 21 1017 ZD Amsterdam P.O. Box 28, 1000 AA Amsterdam Telephone 020-7091 11, Telex 10501 Telefax 020-263503

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1987 | | pagina 11