13 Appropriation of profit According to the Profit and Loss Account the net profit is N.fl. 285,346,000. In ac cordance with Article 12 of the Articles of Association of Heineken N.V. it is pro posed that an amount of N.fl. 89,911,000 shall be appropriated for payment of divi dend. This corresponds to N.fl. 3.50 per share of N.fl. 25,of which an amount of N.fl. 1.50 per share was already made payable as interim dividend on September 19, 1986. It is proposed that the remain der of N.fl. 195,435,000 shall be added to the General Reserve. If this proposal is approved by the Gen eral Meeting of Shareholders to be held on April 24, 1987, the final dividend of N.fl. 2.per share of N.fl. 25,for the financial year will be made payable on dividend coupon No. 35 on May 15, 1987. The shares issued at the time of the recent bonus issue fully qualify for divi dend. Net profit (in millions of guilders) The capital employed: (in millions of guilders): 1986 1985 Amount Amount Fixed assets 3,467 60 3,243 62 Current assets 2,314 40 2,007 38 5,781 1ÖÖ 5,250 100 The liquidity position, consisting of the sum of cash at bank and in hand and securities less the short-term indebted ness to credit institutions, rose by N.fl. 168 million to N.fl. 591 million. Changes in the financing: (in millions of guilders): 1986 1985 Source less Application 83 16 Long-term borrowings 313 181 Repayments on long-term borrowings 132 111 Other financing 70 48 Movements in cash and securities and indebtedness to bankers 168 134

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1986 | | pagina 15