Balance Sheet of Heineken NV as at December 31, 1985 (after proposed allocation of profit) Assets1985 1984 (in thousands of guilders) Fixed assets Financial fixed assets 2,257,139 2,334,868 Current assets Accounts receivable 86 478 Cash at bank and in hand 201,469 63.988 201.555 64 466 2,458,694 2,399,334 Liabilities 1985 1984 (in thousands of guilders) Shareholders' equity Paid-up and called-up capital Share premium account Revaluation reserve General reserve Debts Long-term debts Current liabilities 481.664 17 703.292 1,014.874 142.668 116.179 2.199.847 258.847 481.664 17 855,411 747.866 148.001 166,375 2.084,958 314,376 2.458.694 2,399.334 Amsterdam, March 20, 1986 The Supervisory Council Orlandini Thyssen-Bornemisza Jiskoot Maris Loudon De Bruyne Hooglandt The Executive Board Heineken Van Schaik Van der Werf Van de Vijver Coebergh 48

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1985 | | pagina 45