5 a Key figures 1977/1978 year under previous year percentage review increase Results (in millions of guilders) turnover (incl. excise duties) 2,671.6 2,470.2 8.2 trading profit 256.2 248— 3.3 net profit 118.7 109.6 8.3 dividend 40.5 32.4 25- The net profit for the period October 1977 to March 1978 was N.fl. 37,864,000. compared with N.fl. 37,120,000.in the corresponding period of the previous financial year. For the first half-year of 1977/1978 the participations in Zaire and in the Italian Dreher group have been included in the consolidated accounts in the same way as in the annual figures for 1976/1977. There was again a further growth this half-year in the total volume of sales, despite the fact that sales were down in several markets for incidental reasons. The trading profit amounted to 7.1% of turnover. The increase in interest charges is mainly due to the extension of the consolidation. In the light also of the present course of affairs we believe it is justified to take a moderately optimistic view of the further developments in this financial year. Amsterdam, May 16, 1978 The Board of Managing Directors after adjustment of previous year for bonus distribution. calculated on the basis of net profit and depreciation after deduction of the part allocable to minority interests Beer brewed under the supervision of Heineken (in millions of hectolitres) 23.4 22.1 21.5 1977/1978 1,181,541 17,777 1,199,318 560,483 238,559 235,326 79,841 17,701 988 16,713 1,724 1,052 1,114,209 85,109 16,041 69,068 33,484 35,584 1,300 36,884 980 37,864 1976/1977 1,040,501 19,437 1,059,938 495,212 222,596 196,378 64,824 15,479 1,535 13,944 1,252 36 979,010 80,928 12,728 68,200 34,257 33,943 2,376 36,319 801 37,120 1977/78 1976/77 1975/76 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME OCTOBER 1 TO MARCH 31 (in thousands of guilders) Sales proceeds Miscellaneous income TURNOVER Raw materials, other materials and services Excise duties Salaries and social security costs Depreciation TRADING PROFIT Interest paid Interest on cash deposits and securities Miscellaneous revenues Miscellaneous charges PROFIT BEFORE TAX Taxation on profit Dividend from participations GROUP PROFIT Minority interests NET PROFIT

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1977 | | pagina 6