Balance Sheet Plants and installations On October 1, 1977, these assets comprised: plants and sites machinery and installations other equipment Movements: investments less disinvestments of equipment no longer in use revaluation other movements Depreciation 1977/1978 Book value on September 30, 1978 Replacement value Depreciation Book value 936,410 1,174,104 413,748 2,524,262 371,699 546,355 209,206 1,127,260 564,711 627,749 204,542 1,397,002 270,809 59,823 434 331,066 156,223 174,843 1,571,845 This book value is composed as follows: Replacement value Depreciation Book value plants and sites 1,039,961 403,469 636,492 machinery and installations 1,348,935 623,641 725,294 other equipment 447,160 237,101 210,059 Book value of premises sold less purchases 3,222 Depreciation 1977/1978 2,832 Other equipment includes, inter alia, packing materials such as crates, boxes, barrels and pallets. Other real estate This item relates to buildings which are mainly leased to third parties as hotels, cafés and restaurants. Book value on October 1, 1977 57,432 Revaluation 3,023 Costs of alterations 607 Other movements 2,714 63,776 6,054 Book value on September 30, 1978 57,722 The replacement cost on September 30, 1978, is N.fl. 210 million. 2,836,056 1,264,211 1,571,845 23

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1977 | | pagina 27