Financing and liquidity The following ratios can be derived from this tabu lation: Shareholders' equity The Shareholders' equity increased during the fi nancial year by N.fl. 89.7 million to N.fl. 1,017.5 mil lion as a result of: retention of profit in accordance with proposal revaluation increase in fund for equalization of investment facilities cash dividend equal to Netherlands income tax payable in respect of bonus distribution Capital structure 78.2 13.4 12.6 - 14.5 At the end of the financial year the capital structure was as follows (in millions of guilders): Year under review amount Previous year amount Shareholders'equity 1,017.5 Minority interests 39.6 41.1 1.6 927.7 37.6 40.9 1.7 Group funds 1,057.1 42.7 965.3 42.6 Long-term liabilities Short-term liabilities 637.1 779.9 25.8 31.5 575.3 729.7 25.3 32.1 Total liabilities 1,417 57.3 1,305.- 57.4 Total capital 2,474.1 100.— 2,270.3 100.- This capital was employed as follows: Fixed assets Current assets 1,763.1 711 71.3 28.7 1,589.1 681.2 I. I. Is- CO 2,474.1 100.- 2,270.3 100.- Year under review Previous year Group funds Total liabilities Group funds Fixed assets Current assets Short-term liabilities 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.9 Source and application of funds Year under review Previous year The funds received were as follows (in millions of guilders): group profit 122- depreciation 164.2 cash flow other sources 286.2 85.1 371.3 The funds were applied as follows: investments dividend and cash dividend equal to Netherlands income tax payable other applications 275, 46.8 70.8 392.6 The cash and securities decreased and increased, respectively, by - 21.3 111.8 155.6 267.4 72.2 339.6 210.6 32.4 84.2 327.2 12.4 In the Netherlands an amount of N.fl. 217 million was invested during the financial year, including N.fl. 105 million in the Zoeterwoude establishment. The investments at 's-Hertogenbosch and Zoetermeer were N.fl. 42 million and N.fl. 23 mil lion, respectively. In the enterprises in France N.fl. 27 million was invested. Other important in vestments took place in Greece (N.fl. 7 million), Italy (N.fl. 4 million) and Zaire (N.fl. 4 million). During the financial year our interests in affiliated enterprises were increased by more than N.fl. 4 million. 11

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1977 | | pagina 16