EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE BALANCE SHEET AND THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1 976/1 977 BALANCE SHEET subsidiary companies This item relates to the shares in and claims on subsidiary companies. The valuation of the shares is based on the amounts at which the assets and liabilities are stated in the Consolidated Balance Sheet; the claims amounting to N.fl. 267,904,000 are valued at par. cash This item comprises bank, cash and clearing balances, as well as N.fl. 40,000,000 in short-term cash deposits. long-term debts This item comprises 7% debenture loan of N.fl. 20,231,000, 6 annual repayments of approx. N.fl. 3,400,000 from October 1, 1978; 101 4% private loan of N.fl. 80,000,000, redeemable in 15 annual instalments commencing June 1, 1980. current liabilities This item includes, inter alia, taxes payable amounting to N.fl. 62,530,000, and the repayment instalment due in the next financial year of the debenture loan mentioned above. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT emoluments for members Eight members of the Supervisory Council were in office throughout the of the supervisory council financial year. Emoluments were paid to all these members. In this respect an amount of N.fl. 240,000 has already been deducted from the profit, i.e. N.fl. 160,000 in share of profit and N.fl. 80,000 in fixed remuneration. 48

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1976 | | pagina 49