SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS (in thousands of guilders) 1976/1977 1975/1976 source Group profit 111,751 88,762 Depreciation 155,618 128,074 Cashflow 267,369 216,836 Long-term debts 2,060 8,376 Current liabilities 72,226 11,669 Disinvestments in - Other real estate 5,044 3,664 - Miscellaneous and non-current assets - 9,959 Other movements - 6,597 346,699 257,101 application Investments in - Plants and installations 197,261 155,840 - Participations* 9,988 11,169 - Miscellaneous and non-current assets 8,438 215,687 167,009 Stocks 67,805 3,062 Accounts receivable 16,410 4,615 Dividend for previous financial year 32,368 24,899 Cash dividend equal to Netherlands income tax payable in respect of bonus distribution - 13,338 Other movements 2,030 334,300 212,923 Movements in current financial year 12,399 44,178 Cash and securities at beginning of financial year 82,968 38,790 Cesh and securities at end of financial year 95,367 82.968 As a result of revaluation, depreciation, differences on exchange and alterations in the extent of the consolidation, not all the amounts given in the above statement can be directly derived from the foregoing annual accounts. applies to consolidated and non-consolidated participations. 43

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1976 | | pagina 44