EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AND STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1 976/1 977 GENERAL In the Consolidated Statement of Income for 1976/1977 the cost of raw materials, other materials and services has been reduced by N.fl. 9.5 million, as a result of restatement, and the charge for salaries and social security costs has been increased by the same amount. The comparative figures for 1975/1976 for the relevant items have been correspondingly adjusted by N.fl. 7.6 million. The amounts stated in the notes are in thousands of guilders, unless indicated otherwise; the figures for the financial year 1975/1976 are shown in green. basis of consolidation In the consolidated annual accounts the participations in which Heineken N.V. has a direct or indirect interest of more than 50% are shown as fully consolidated. The minority interests in the group funds and in the group profit are indicated separately. Partial consolidation has taken place in the case of those participations in which an interest of 50% or less is held, if the influence exerted by Heineken on management policy is at least equal to that of the other partners combined. The amounts of assets and liabilities and of items in the statement of income, respectively, have been stated in proportion to our interest in the total issued capital. The other interests are stated under Participations. A survey of the participations, giving the percentage of the holding, is included on pages 44 and 45 of this Report. accounting policies The valuation of the assets on the balance sheet as well as the depreciation and the consumption of raw materials and other materials in the statement of income are based on replacement value. Differences in valuation resulting from revaluation are credited or debited to the Revaluation reserve, after deduction of an amount on account of deferred tax liabilities. These differences in valuation are offset against the other provisions, however, if the revaluation relates to parts of the Group in which the risks in volved in the exercise of the business are significantly greater than normal. The items in foreign currency in the annual accounts have been converted at the official rates of exchange on the balance sheet date. Differences on exchange arise as a result of the conversion of the balance sheets of the foreign consolidated participations at the beginning of the financial year at the rates of exchange which have altered at the end of the year. In so far as they relate to the fixed assets of these participations, the differences on exchange are offset against the revaluation of the said assets. The differences on the other balance sheet items are included in other provisions. Other differences on exchange are incorporated in the statement of income. Goodwill upon the acquisition or sale of enterprises is debited or credited, respectively, to the General reserve. 35

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1976 | | pagina 36