Debenture loans 7% loan, redeemable in 10 annual instalments, commencing October i, 1974 5 loan, annual redemption of N.fl. 0.5 million on January 1, with the obligation not to encumber the Amsterdam (Mau- ritskade) complex and a number of other properties 5 loan, annual redemption of N.fl. 0.3 million on Octo ber 31 33,727 2,000 1,385 37,112 33,727 2,500 36,227 Private loans 6|% loan, annual redemption of N.fl. 2 million on December 31with part of the bottling complex at 's-Hertogenbosch as pledge 4§° 0 loan, annual redemption of N.fl. 1 million on January 1, with the bottling building of the Amsterdam (ie v/d Helst- straat) complex as pledge 4|°0 loan, annual redemption of N.fl. 2.5 million on Decem ber 31with the same obligation as stated in connection with the 5 debenture loan 61 loan, redeemable in 10 annual instalments, commencing March 1, 1974, with the same obligation as stated in con nection with the 5 debenture loan Loan bearing interest at i-|% above discount rate for pro missory notes on June 1, with annual redemption of N.fl. 1.9 million on June 1 8% loan, redeemable in 6 annual instalments, commencing December 31, 1974 7% loan, annual redemption of N.fl. 0.2 million on Octo ber 31 Pension funds For the financial year 1973 1974 the redemption liability amounts to approximately N.fl. 2.1 million. 5,000 12,500 17,000 i,9°o 649 63,049 20,000 6,000 15,000 17,000 3,800 61,800 Other debts The average rate of interest at which these liabilities have been contracted is about 5 The average period to maturity 31

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1972 | | pagina 31