Brought forward Book value of premises sold less purchases Depreciation 1972/1973 Book value on September 30, 1973 The replacement value on September 30, 1973, was N.fl. 171 million. 9 2 2,25 3 5 5,407 2,345 53,062 PARTICIPATIONS A specification of the principal participations is given on page 37. Book value on October 1, 1972 Included in consolidation Movements Investments Earnings 1972/1973 after deducting dividend received Other Book value on September 30, 1973 The book value includes N.fl. 3.2 million in long-term receiv ables (previous year N.fl. 7 million). 872 7>279 1,006 92,510 46,461 46,049 7,i45 5 3094 MISCELLANEOUS AND NON-CURRENT ASSETS Loans to customers Other loans 40,178 i9,365 59,543 44,222 16,697 60,919 STOCKS Raw materials Products in process Finished products Stock in trade Packing materials Sundrv stocks 3 IjIOÏ 45,9°7 2 5,443 13,749 140,245 20,854 277,299 33>3°9 36,654 22,924 5A35 121,618 2o,774 240,414 28

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1972 | | pagina 28