PROVISIONS LONG-TERM DEBTS These include Provision for latent tax liabilities Provision for pensions Other provisions The Other Provisions relate to various risks involved in the exercise of the business. These can be specified as follows Debenture loans Private loans Pension funds Other debts DEBENTURE LOANS 7% loan, redeemable in 10 annual instal ments, commencing October i, 1974 5 loan, annual redemption of N.fl. 500,000 on January 1with the obligation not to en cumber the Amsterdam (Mauritskade) com plex and a number of other properties PRIVATE LOANS 6%% loan, redeemable in 10 annual instal ments, commencing December 31, 1972, with part of the bottling complex at 's-Her- togenbosch as pledge 4%% loan, annual redemption of N.fl. 1,000,000 on January 1, with the bottling building of the Amsterdam (ie v/d Helststraat) complex as pledge 4%% loan, annual redemption of N.fl. 2,500,000 on December 31; with the same obligation as stated in connection with the 5 debenture loan 6%% loan, redeemable in 10 annual instal ments, commencing March 1, 1974; with the same obligation as stated in connection with the 5 debenture loan loan bearing interest at 1 above dis- N.fl. 59,956,000 4,212,000 55,736,000 N.fl. 119,904,000 N.fl. 36,227,000 61,800,000 i9>977>000 14,182,000 N.fl. 132,186,000 N.fl. 33,727,000 2,500,000 N.fl. 36,227,000 N.fl. 20,000,000 6,000,000 15,000,000 17,000,000 I 33

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1971 | | pagina 32