STOCKS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CASH AND SECURITIES These comprise Raw materials Products in process Finished products Stock in trade Packing materials Sundry stocks As a result of extended consolidation stocks have risen by N.fl. 52,419,000. Stocks have been valued at replacement value. Depreciation has been applied as far as necessary. Included under stock in trade are the articles purchased from third parties which belong to the sales range of the subsidiaries incor porated in the consolidated accounts. The specification is as follows: Accounts receivable from customers Accounts receivable from participations Other receivables and prepaid expenses Accounts receivable have been valued at par less such depreciation as was deemed neces sary. Cash and balances at banks Cash placed at short notice Securities Securities have been valued at market price. N.fl. 33,309,000 3 6,6 5 4,ooo 22,924,000 5,135,000 121,618,000 20,774,000 N.fl. N.fl. 30,166,000 7,209,000 21,826,000 N.fl. 240,414,000 122,054,000 12,322,000 42,220,000 N.fl. 176,596,000 N.fl. 59,201,000 SHARE CAPITAL As already explained on page 2 3 under 'An nual Accounts', the authorized capital has been increased from N.fl. 150,000,000 to N.fl. 200,000,000. 31

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1971 | | pagina 30