Brought forward N.fl. 39,788,000 Added through inclusion in consolidated 6,570,000 762,000 accounts Costs of alteration Book value of premises sold less purchases N.fl. 5,096,000 Depreciation 1971/1972 2,210,000 Book value on September 30, 1972 47,120,000 7,306,000 N.fl. 39,814,000 participations These comprise the non-consolidated partic ipations, including the 100% interest in B.V. Bestuurs-Maatschappij J. A. van Olffen and the majority interest in the holding com pany Brasserie de l'Espérance. A specification of the principal participa tions is given on page 39 of this Report. The valuation is at not more than intrinsic value. Book value on October 1, 1971 New investments less the value of interests disposed of Increase through transfer of provisions, as explained on page 22 under 'Annual Ac counts' Reduction due to consolidation Book value on September 30, 1972 N.fl. 6,990,000 in long-term receivables is included in this amount. N.fl. 9 5,2 5 5,000 49,344,000 87,05 9,ooo 231,658,000 139,148,000 N.fl. 92,510,000 miscellaneous and These include non-current assets Loans to customers N.fl. 44,222,000 Other loans 16,697,000 N.fl. 60,919,000 The loans are stated at their nominal value, less depreciation. 30

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1971 | | pagina 29