EXPLANATORY NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AS AT SEPTEMBER 30, 1972 29 Both in the consolidated Statement of Financial Condition and in the consolidated Statement of Income the amounts in foreign currency have been converted at rates of exchange prevailing at the end of the year under review. PLANTS AND INSTALLATIONS These assets are stated at replacement value less depreciation. The depreciation is applied on a straight-line basis in accordance with the estimated useful life per item. The assets comprise: Replacement value Plants and sites N.fl. 418,265,000 Machinery and installations 428,167,000 Other equipment 43,225,000 Total Depreciation N.fl. 173,094,000 214,241,000 24,1 3 1,000 Book value N.fl. 245,171,000 213,926,000 19,094,000 N.fl. 889,657,000 N.fl. 411,466,000 N.fl. 478,191,0 A statement of the movements in these as sets is given below Book value on October 1, 1971 Revaluation Added through extension of the consoli dated accounts Investments less disinvestments of equip ment no longer in use Depreciation 1971/1972 Book value on September 30, 1972 N.fl. 294,523,000 662,000 295,185,000 153,963,000 75,79C°°° 5 24,939,ooo 46,748,000 N.fl. 478,191,000 The book value on September 30, 1972, includes N.fl. 75,271,000 for projects in course of execution. OTHER REAL ESTATE This item relates to buildings which are leased to third parties. These buildings are mainly used as hotels, cafés and restaurants. These assets are stated at replacement value, i.e. N.fl. 136,815,000 less depreciation. The movements in the course of the finan cial year were as follows Book value on October 1, 1971 Revaluation Carry forward N.fl. 39,692,000 96,000 N.fl. 39,788,000

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1971 | | pagina 28