At that meeting it was also decided to pay a cash dividend of N.fl. 1.56 per share of N.fl. 25.par value, equal to the Netherlands income tax payable in respect of the recapitalization, as well as to increase the authorized capital from N.fl. 150,000,000 to N.fl. 200,000,000. A specification of these movements is given on page 32. If the private placement of 2,000 shares with a par value of N.fl. 25. to be proposed to you is approved, the Share Premium Account will be increased by such an amount that it is possible to make a 10% share distribution from this account. In view of this the present Share Premium Account has been included as Distribution from the Share Premium Account in the arrangement of the annual accounts. The amount becoming available as a result of the above-mentioned revaluation of the participations has been added to the General reserve. The reserve has been reduced by the goodwill paid upon acquisition of firms. The recapitalization as well as the payment of the cash dividend equal to the Netherlands income tax payable in respect of the recapitalization have been charged to this reserve. The movements in the General reserve are stated on page 32. appropriation of profit According to the Profit and Loss Account published on page 46, the net profit amounts to N.fl. 75,541,000 In accordance with Article 12 of the Articles of Association it is proposed that there be made available for payment of dividend 22,628,000 (corresponding to N.fl. 3.50 per share of N.fl. 25.par value) and that the remainder amounting to N.fl. 52,913,000 be added to the General reserve. This appropriation of profit has already been incorporated in the consolidated Statement of Financial Condition and in the Balance Sheet of Heineken N.V. With reference to what has been said above in connection with the Share Premium Account, and after approval of the increase in the share capital by the private place ment of shares, we recommend you to make a 10% share distribution from the Share Premium Account. This distribution is free of Netherlands income tax. AMSTERDAM, FEBRUARY I 973 HEINEKEN TON VAN MARWIJK KOOY VAN DER WERF 23

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1971 | | pagina 23