The position of beer, an industrial product made from agricultural raw materials, often gives rise to special problems. We are pleased that in the trade agreements with the E.F.T.A. countries which are not joining, these difficulties have been recognized and arrangements have been made which are intended to ensure that the differences in grain prices do not distort competitive relationships. We regard it as particularly disappointing that the Government, despite the advice from the Social and Economic Council to study a number of fundamental matters in further detail first, has nevertheless put forward the Selective Investment Regula tions Bill. The quantitative information available, both as regards a number of important basic points (labour market situation and congestion) and with regard to the objectives envisaged by this Bill, is definitely still insufficient, whilst little or no attempt has been made to estimate the undoubtedly great negative consequences of this system for the national economy and for that of the conurbation of Western Holland in particular. It is accordingly to be hoped that the authorities will still study alternatives (such as the system of permits) thoroughly before resorting to the proposed measure, which is of an extremely discriminatory nature, not only in our country, but also in the context of the E.E.C. The increase in our international activities impressed upon us the need for combining all the resources available to us in that connection: exports, brewing on contract, brewing under licence, as well as other forms of technical and financial co-operation. For that purpose the Export Group and the Foreign Interests Group have been amalgamated. The flexibility and vigour of our policy abroad have thus been sub stantially enhanced. The total operations of the concern are now divided over five geographical fields of activity, i.e. Benelux, rest of Europe, Western Hemisphere, Africa, and Asia/ Australia. As a result of the constant development of technology, the sphere of activity of the Technological Centre and Central Engineering Groups has once again been consider ably extended this year. The quality control of the products made by our concern has, where possible, been still further improved. The social policy to be followed within the concern has again received our full attention this year. When decisions are taken, full weight is always given to the social element alongside the financial/economic, commercial and technical considerations. During the past year, too, the emphasis has been on the endeavour to let people in the 10

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1971 | | pagina 10