stocks These comprise: Raw materials Products in process and finished products Packing materials Sundry stocks Stocks have been valued at replacement value. Depreciation has been applied as far as necessary. N.fl. 9,98 5,oo° 30,480,000 47,962,ooo 6,834,000 N.fl. 95,261,000 accounts receivable The specification is as follows Trade debtors Other debtors The item Other debtors includes the cur rent account position with third parties at home and abroad as well as prepaid expenses. Accounts receivable have been valued at par less such depreciation as was deemed necessary. The claims in foreign currency have been converted as of the balance sheet date at the rate at which they have been sold forward. N.fl. 73,874,000 27,081,000 N.fl. 100,95 5,000 cash at bankers, Cash and balances at banks N.fl. 8,447,000 in hand and Cash placed at short notice 20,558,000 at short notice N.fl. 29,005,000 Claims in foreign currency included in this item have been valued at the rate at which they have been sold forward. share capital Authorized capital Unissued shares Issued share capital N.fl. 100,000,000 1,273,000 N.fl. 98,727,000

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1968 | | pagina 21