i CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION 3°/9/i969 1/10/1968 ASSETS Plants and installations Other real estate Interests in associated companies Miscellaneous and non-current assets Stocks Accounts receivable Cash at bankers, in hand and at short notice N.fl. 238,169,000 50,013,000 93,602,000 64,275,000 95,261,000 100,95 5,000 29,005,000 N.fl. 671,280,000 N.fl. 224,300,000 43,618,000 88,354,000 60,404,000 88,007,000 84,213,000 24,005,000 N.fl. 612,901,000 l6

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 1968 | | pagina 16