South Koreans introduced
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Above you can see how 'Heineken' is
written in Korean characters. Until about
a year ago no-one had ever given any
thought as to how Heineken should be
written in that language, as there had until
then been no way of importing beer into
South Korea. Which was a pity, as the
country's 39 million inhabitants represent
a very substantial market. Recently,
however, Heineken became available
thanks to a licensing agreement signed
with Oriental Breweries in Seoul. The
The guests being welcomed: From left to right,
Mr. A. Ypma, Regional Export Manager
Australasia Heineken, Mr. U-Kyung Sung
greeting a guest and Mr. J.S. Chung, both vice-
presidents of Oriental Breweries, Mr. Den
Hond, Regional Coordinating Director
Heineken, and Mr. Y.O. Park, president of
Oriental Breweries.
company forms part of the Doosan
Group, which operates in many, highly
diversified fields. The traditional, locally
produced beverages are rice wine and
Soju, a type of gin, but beer consumption
in South Korea has grown considerably of
late, even despite the high price caused by
a tax of as much as 215%Consumption
per head still amounts to only about 16
litres, but the future looks promising for
our brand, which is sold as a premium beer
in 33 cl one-way bottles, whereas
practically all other beers are available
mainly in 64 cl bottles and 50 cl
returnables. Heineken is also available in
cans. As usual, Heineken insists on top
quality and has therefore stationed a
Heineken brewer at Oriental Breweries to
The facade of the Lotte hotel in Seoul where the
Heineken launch was held. The sign reads:
New product Heineken beer launching
supervise local production of our beer. He
forms a sort of living guarantee that
quality will be maintained. Standards so
far have been complied with very well
indeed. But that comes as no surprise, for
Oriental Breweries have proved to be
excellent partners. During the
introduction period a Heineken
marketing specialist will also advise our
South Korean partners. Publicity is aimed
at stressing our beer's Dutch origin and its
long history, and at the end of last year
when the TV advertising campaign was
launched, the sight of real Dutch
windmills on the screen must have
captured the attention of many a viewer.
Besides TV commercials, newspaper
advertisements are used to press home the
point that Heineken is an internationally
known brand, one that is synonymous
with quality. The efficiency and energy of
the Korean partners was reflected by the
fact that agreement with Oriental
Breweries was concluded in a very smooth
and efficacious way. As a result, we can
confidently say that right from the start
this South Korean venture augurs well for
the future.
Guests at the Heineken launch.