Pictured in Heine ken's Amsterdam Brewery during a
three-day visit to Holland are Mr. Nelson Vera
Palacios second from right) and Mr. Albert Sterling
(second from left), respectively director and
financial manager of Importaciones La Sabana
Ltda., Bogota, Heineken agent for Colombia. They
are seen with Mr. Grimaldo (I.), manager of the
Importaciones La Sabana subsidiary at Cali in
western Colombia, and Mr. A.F. Kiljan van Heuven,
(r.) Heineken Area Export Manager. Export of Hei
neken to Colombia began in early 1979; today it is
Colombia's number one imported beer.
Heineken was host this summer to guests from Brain'sand Buckley's Breweries in Wales. Their pub outlets sell
Heineken lager, and the visitors, accompanied by two Whitbread Directors, came to Holland to familiarize
themselves with Heineken in its home country. Pictured at Zoeterwoude are Mr. C.M. Brain, Jt. Managing
Director, Brain's; Mr. D.H.W. Davies, Whitbread Wales; Lt. Colonel W.K. Buckley, Chairman, Buckley's;
Mr. l.H. Sturrock, Jt. Managing Director, Brain's; Mr. H. Kalff, Heineken; Mr. l.D. Wilson, Whitbread
Wales; Mr. J. Bennett, Managing Director, Buckley's; MrJ. Donkers, Heinekenand Mr. H. Boxtel, Heineken.
Two members of the Aruba Baseball Team who
visited Amsterdam recently presented a trophy and
souvenir photo album to the company in appreci
ation of 30 years' Heineken sponsorship. Mr. R. van
Duur sen centreis here seen accepting the gifts.
Seen in Amsterdam during his visit to Holland
this summer is Mr. Felix Ohiwerei from Lagos,
Marketing Manager of Nigerian Breweries Ltd. He
was in Holland for about a week to discuss product
development and the introduction of Green Sands
Shandy in the Nigerian market. Production tests at
Aba Brewery have checked out well and the brewery
will start production in early '81production of
Green Sands Shandy at the company's Lagos and
Kaduna plants will follow.
Nigerian Breweries, which produces Star and
Gulder beers and the Maltina drink, all under Heine
ken technical supervision, is building a fourth
brewery in Ibadan. This is scheduled to open in mid-
Mr. Ohiwerei, who also paid a one-day visit to Den
Bosch brewery, joined Nigerian Breweries as
trainee marketing manager in 1962 and rose through
a number of posts to become marketing manager in