Burundi's Management
Bujumbura brewery change at PB.I.
expands Indonesia
To keep pace with continuously increasing turnover, capacity of
a Heineken associate company at Bujumbura, Burundi, Africa, is
being extended by 50 per cent.
The company is the Brasseries et Limonaderies du Burundi
Brarudi S.A.R.L. which produces the well known Primus beer,
only brand brewed in the country. Soft drinks and ice bars are also
produced at the Bujumbura plant.
Burundi is not one of Africa's hottest countries but there is a large
demand for chilled beer and the ice factory does a thriving
business as a result. Managers of outlets near the plant send boy
assistants on bicycles to collect the ice. It is transported on the
carrier behind the cycle saddle.
CONTACT picture (top) shows one of the new buildings under
construction. The large steps in the left foreground (below) are
used to shovel the concrete to the top where it is mixed in readiness
for use in reinforced structures.
Mr. Tanri Abeng has been appointed General Manager of P.T.
Perusahaan Bir Indonesia. He visited Amsterdam this summer to
make the acquaintance of Heineken Board members and is
pictured with Mr. A.H. Heineken (right) Chairman of the Board
of Directors, and Mr. J. van der Werf (left) Board Member.