Part of one of the three complete brewery
installations built to a single design. Only the
architect's design of the building is different
from that of the others.
Une des trois brasseries construites sur le
même modèle. Seule la conception archi
tecturale des batiments diffère.
The commissioning of four new brew
eries abroad during 1976 a record for
any single year in Heineken's history, it is
believed emphasises the importance
and scope of the organisation's interna
tional activities complementary to pro
duction of beer and other beverages.
These activities extend to design, con
struction and installation of new brew
eries as well as technical advice and as
sistance on production matters offered
to more than 50 breweries outside Hol
This is the 1976 record of first brews at
new breweries:
February 28 - at Santarem, Portugal;
May 27 - at Loulé, Portugal;
May 31 - at Thessaloniki, Greece;
October 9 - at St. Lucia, Caribbean.
The four units have a total annual pro
duction capacity of about 850,000 hi. of
beer. To ensure their completion in the
short time available, all were based on
the same design, calculations and
The work made considerable demands
on Central Engineering as well as on the
team of Heineken specialists who handle
international installations, and was
complicated by the massive effort con
centrated on building the Zoeterwoude
The total workload was so heavy that
special methods were clearly needed.
Standardisation on such a large scale is
not a straightforward matter, however,
and there are four principal factors
which can create problems.
First, desired capacity strongly influen
ces design and this was the reason for
considerable differences between the
St. Lucia Brewery and the other three.
For while St. Lucia is a small brewery
with initial annual capacity of about
50,000 hi. of beer and malta, the capaci
ties of the other units lie between
200,000 and 400,000 hi. a year.
Second, not all breweries produce the
same type of beer. The beers of all four
new establishments differ in terms of
names, processes and tastes.
Third, the site itself may affect design. It
may be rocky or swampy, rectangular or
square, hilly or flat, or may have other
features which call for departures from
Fourth, building conditions and local in
dustrial products vary widely from coun
try to country.
Despite the consequent difficulties, Hei
neken achieved the highest possible
degree of similarity between the new
breweries. The result was a building
programme so rapid that the three Eu
ropean breweries were finished before
the summer of 1976.
Heineken hopes to continue and devel
op standardisation methods. Designs
now available could justify the slogan, "If
you need a brewery, let us build you a
'Heineken' version!"
de remplissage permettra, a l'avenir, des
livraisons soit par wagons, soit par ca
mions. La capacité de la cave de fer
mentation a été également accrue par 18
réservoirs cöniques d'une capacité uni
taire de 900 hl. Bien que l'installation soit
qualifiée de ,,cave", les réservoirs sont
en fait construits en plein air.
Un nouveau batiment d'entretien a été
prévu. II comprendra une nouvelle sta
tion d'épuration et un équipement des-
tiné au nettoyage des réservoirs et au
traitement de la levure et des bières de
De plus, une nouvelle chaïne de mise en
bouteilles remplacera l'ancienne, por-
tant la capacité de production a 200.000
bouteilles de 62,5 cl. a l'heure. Le ma-
gasin aussi doit être agrandi en prenant
sur le terrain de foot-ball.
L'équipement du système réfrigérant de
l'usine sera installé sur le toit d'une
nouvelle centrale abritant les transfor
mateurs, les commutateurs haut et bas
voltage et les génératrices de secours.
Site de construction du nouvel ensemble de
service d'entretien.
Site of the new service block foundation.
Les travaux d'agrandissement de la
brasserie d'Aba, Nigéria, battent leur
plein; elle va ainsi voir sa capacité pas
ser de 225.000 a 520.000 hl ou, pour
parler en termes commerciaux, a sept
millions de caisses.
Le projet comprend l'accroissement du
nombre des cuves de brassage, qui
passe de deux a quatre, et la construc
tion d'une cuve de réserve. Le malt livré
sera stocké dans huit silos comparti-
mentés en acier d'une capacité unitaire
de 250 tonnes.
Une nouvelle disposition de la bouche