Heineken N.V. 5 Summary Sustainability Report 2013 Agriculture Our main raw materials are barley and hops. In addition we use bittersweet cider apples for cider- making. We are an active member of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Platform that addresses all aspects of sustainable agriculture. In Africa, local sourcing is a major priority for us. Sourcing crops locally creates shared value in several ways: as a company, we reduce transport costs; environmentally, we reduce the travel distance of crops with less imports; and the local communities become financially empowered and independent with improved livelihoods, jobs and income. Malting Malting consumes energy and water and necessitates transport. We implement energy and water reduction programmes in our own malteries and engage our suppliers in discussions in relation to their usage. Where feasible we switch from road to shipping when transporting barley and malt. Brewing, cider-making and soft drink production Each of these processes consumes energy and water. Reducing energy and water consumption means increasing energy and water efficiency and switching to other more environmentally friendly energy sources where feasible. Energy and water reduction is achieved by optimising the production processes. Each brewery, cider mill and soft drink production site has a specific target and we have an interactive, best-in-class IT system that allows us to share good practices between them. Packaging material Our products are packed in cans, bottles and kegs, in the case of beer sold as cellar beer. Improving the impact of packaging can be achieved by optimising the production of the packaging, changing the design and increasing the recycling and re-use rate. Distribution All our products need to be transported to our customers using several modes of transport, including road, rail and ocean freight as well as inland barges. Wherever we can, we optimise the distribution by changing the form of transport, training drivers, using more efficient engines, improving the design of vehicles and re-assessing distribution networks. Customers Most of our beers and ciders are consumed cold and thus cooled at the point of consumption via fridges (beer in bottles, cans or smaller kegs) or draught equipment (for beer in kegs). For new fridges purchased by HEINEKEN across all its brands, we have defined green standards with which they have to comply. Each year the standards are adjusted to ensure that we continue to progress towards our 2020 goals. In addition, we continue to develop greener draught equipment such as the David (XL) Green in recent years and the SmartDispense® system in 2013. Consumers We have a clear set of standards and rules for responsible commercial communication, covering both offline and online. In the last two years we have pioneered the creation of advertising that makes responsible consumption aspirational for consumers. In 2013, we committed to invest 10% of our media spend in key markets on the Heineken® brand to support this campaign. The two campaigns - 'Sunrise' and the new 'Dance More, Drink Slow' (in partnership with world-famous DJ Armin van Buuren) are leading-edge examples of our commitment to this vital area. We also actively engage partners including other companies, NGOs and governments to assist us in reaching people and increasing the effectiveness of the message. As an industry, we have put in place a set of binding commitments aimed at reducing alcohol-related harm. e Read our online report for more information and related case studies.

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2013 | | pagina 7