Our 2020 commitments Each focus area is underpinned by clear commitments that state our ambitions for 2020, with three-year milestones to be achieved by 2015. Protecting water resources Reducing C02 emissions Sourcing sustainably O Advocating responsible consumption Heineken N.V. 3 Summary Sustainability Report 2013 Reduce specific water consumption in the breweries by 25%1 to 3.7 hl/hl Aim for significant water compensation/balancing by our production units in water-scarce and distressed areas. In production by 40%1 Of our fridges by 50%2 Of distribution by 20%3 in Europe and the Americas. Aim for at least 50% of our main raw materials from sustainable sources Deliver 60% of agricultural raw materials in Africa via local sourcing within the continent Ongoing compliance with our Supplier Code procedure. Make responsible consumption aspirational through Heineken® Every market in scope has and reports publicly on a measurable partnership aimed at addressing alcohol abuse Deliver global industry commitments. 1 Baseline 2008 For more information about our Brewing a Better Future 2 Baseline 2010 approach, see our online report. 3 Baseline 2011

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2013 | | pagina 5