Brewing a Better Future m sustainably UP Brewing a Better Future The big picture Brewing a Better Future is HEINEKEN s long-term approach to creating shared, sustainable value: for our Company, for society and for the planet. Our business priority Our strategy Our focus Our ways of working Embed and integrate sustainability 2 Heineken N.V. Summary Sustainability Report 2013 Protecting jM water jB resources Sourcing B Reducing CO, emissions Advocating responsible v JJy consumption Values and behaviours Sustainability is one of HEINEKEN's six key business priorities. Brewing a Better Future focuses on four key areas where we can make the biggest difference. Each of these areas is highly relevant to our day-to-day business operations, and to our stakeholders. The focus areas are underpinned by our values and behaviours.

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2013 | | pagina 4