T) Values and Behaviours 1.6 A3,000 Our ways of working Our values represent what we stand for as a corporate citizen, a business partner and an employer. How we behave and how we work together is key to our success. JOBS ACROSS AFRICA ARE SUPPORTED BY OUR COMPANY EMPLOYEES AND THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS HAVE ACCESS TO DIRECT MEDICAL CARE 16 Heineken N.V. Summary Sustainability Report 2013 MILLION ta Brewing a Better Future is integral to our way of working. Health, safety, and employees' and human rights have long been embedded in our culture and processes. Through our Code of Business Conduct we are committed to conducting business with fairness, integrity and respect for the law and our values. We also have a long history of contributing to the communities in which we operate. Health and Safety In production, the average accident frequency continued to decrease significantly. However, the majority of accidents take place outside production. Safety is therefore a high priority amongst our senior managers and general managers. A global safety strategy was launched as well as several initiatives to ensure that it is systematically addressed across the whole of the Company. Nine people lost their lives working with or for our business. Five of these were in Mexico, reflecting the high level of crime-related violence. Our operation in Mexico is in regular contact with the relevant authorities to ensure assistance in addressing the violence, and continues taking a wide range Accident frequency Cases/100 FTE, HEINEKEN Production Units 2012 2011 1.16 1.25

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2013 | | pagina 18