Our priorities Actions and results 5.0 A.8 A.5 43 A.2 20% REDUCTION IN WATER CONSUMPTION SINCE 2008 In Mexico, HEINEKEN joined the Monterrey Metropolitan Water Fund, for the preservation of the watershed that supplies more than U million people in and around Monterrey. Heineken N.V. 9 Summary Sustainability Report 2013 Reduce the amount of water used in production Protect our water resources in water-scarce and water- distressed areas Compensate for the water that is not returned to the local water cycle: 'water balancing'. For each site we set up a Source Water Vulnerability Assessment to determine how vulnerable a local area is in terms of water risk. A Source Water Protection Programme is then completed, providing a step-by-step method for evaluating and implementing water protection measures. Reducing water consumption In 2013, we needed 41 hectolitre (hi) of water to produce 1 hi of beer, cider, soft drinks and water. This is a 20% reduction compared with 2008, the baseline year. This means we are well on the way towards our 2020 target. Without the newly acquired sites, the water consumption would be 40 hl/hl. Specific water consumption hl/hl beer soft drink cider water 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 I Protecting water resources In order to use our resources most effectively, we have mapped and prioritised 23 production sites around the world in terms of water-related risk, including operations from our newly acquired Asia Pacific Breweries. In 2013, the programme was under way at 18 facilities in six different countries: Mexico, Spain, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Indonesia. Water balancing To protect our water resources in water-scarce and water- distressed areas, we work to redress the water balance by financing and supporting local projects that aim to: conserve or restore water quantity, quality or biodiversity in the local watershed; and/or improve access to clean water for the local communities. In 2013, we joined a multi-stakeholder consortium in Mexico to establish the Monterrey Metropolitan Water Fund. In addition we launched with several partners a water-balancing project in the Ethiopian region of Flarar. One of the objectives: providing access to water for 25,000 people in rural areas by building sand dams for sustainable groundwater storage. For this and more in-depth information about our water stewardship activities, see our online report.

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2013 | | pagina 11