Enabling our journey 34,000+ 33 OPERATING COMPANIES REPORT OR FACTSHEET Other information Brewing a Better Future will only succeed if the preconditions for success are defined and in place. With our enablers, we are making sure that our culture and organisation can support our ambitions. LOCAL SUPPLIERS HAVE SIGNED OUR SUPPLIER CODE 20 Heineken N.V. Summary Sustainability Report 2012 Extending our influence through our Supplier Code We are committed to making a positive contribution to society through our global operations. We expect all our suppliers to help us to fulfil this commitment by actively supporting and respecting our values in their own business practice. By signing the Supplier Code, suppliers agree to comply with key elements of integrity, environment and human rights. At the end of 2012, 528 of our global suppliers and more than 34,000 local suppliers had signed the Supplier Code. As part of our Supplier Governance Procedure, we also monitor compliance with the Code through the EcoVadis collaborative platform. Suppliers identified as high risk are subject to audit by a third party. We conducted nine audits in 2012. For eight of the audits, we found 37 minor non-compliances, 41 major non-compliances and zero critical non-compliances. We adopt a continuous improvement approach to achieving compliance, but may as a final resort cease to do business with non-compliant suppliers. Building sustainability into performance plans We have made sustainability one of the five merit areas in senior managers' annual performance appraisals. This means that sustainability becomes expected behaviour rather than an ad-hoc activity linked to a short-term cash bonus. In 2012,80% of senior managers had sustainability targets included in their annual performance appraisal objectives. Better reporting with Green Gauge 2.0 Launched in 2011the Green Gauge scorecard allows us to monitor and report quarterly progress on our various sustainability initiatives at all levels of the business. To improve efficiency and reporting quality, we rolled out Green Gauge 2.0 in 2012. This electronic platform is quicker, more accurate and tightly integrated with other existing reporting tools within HEINEKEN. Local sustainability reports As part of our commitment to transparency in reporting, in 2012 a total of 33 Operating Companies published a 2011 local sustainability report or factsheet. They can all be viewed on our website. PUBLISHED A LOCAL SUSTAINABILITY e For more on how we monitor and audit our suppliers, read our online report.

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2012 | | pagina 22