range of measures n Ethiopia is helping o reduce brewery water :onsumption, safeguard vater supplies for local armers and promote Jomestic barley production. Heineken N.V. 15 Summary Sustainability Report 2012 i I S Evaluate all local sourcing activities and set regional targets by 2015 Baseline verified and targets agreed for Africa and the Middle East Standards for sustainable agriculture are aligned with and verified by stakeholders We adopted the SAI Platform's Principles and Practices for Sustainable Agriculture in 2011 Operations that do not meet our standard of healthcare to supply improvement plans Out of Operating Companies in scope, 24 needed to provide improvement plans. To date, 20 have done so Read more about these and other topics such as biodiversity and HIV treatment in our online report. Sustainable agriculture By building long-term relationships with farmers and suppliers, we secure a steady supply of quality raw materials (barley, hops and cider apples) for our products, while stimulating sustainable farming. In 2010, we joined the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI), a food industry organisation of multinational companies working towards a more sustainable food chain. In 2012, we used SAI's principles and practices to independently audit agricultural schemes in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and France. A number of these were assessed as SAI compliant. We are currently working with SAI to turn the principles and practices into a more concise checklist. This will make our approach simpler and more transparent for both our supply chain and other stakeholders. Local sourcing In many of our high-growth markets, we run local sourcing projects linked to raw materials. These help local farmers to compfete against imported grains and raise the incomes of farming households. In Africa, HEINEKEN has a target of sourcing 60% of all its raw materials locally by 2020. In 2012, we sourced 48% locally. We currently have projects in eight countries, including Ethiopia where we recently began operations. We also run local sourcing projects outside Africa. In Haiti, following the acquisition of BRANA (Brasserie Nationale d'Haiti) in lanuary 2012, HEINEKEN pledged to play a catalysing role in the development of the Haitian economy. Health and wellness HEINEKEN's commitment to its employees' wellbeing extends to providing healthcare in markets where this is not readily available or of an insufficient quality. In Sub-Saharan Africa, medical care is provided at 32 sites to more than 45,000 people. In 2012, our medical staff gave over 160,000 consultations. As HEINEKEN employees spend a large part of their week at work, we are also directing additional attention to wellness and prevention of non-communicable diseases. These are conditions that are lifestyle related and largely preventable, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. In 2012, we made an inventory of the wellness programmes in our Operating Companies. Most Operating Companies already have some sort of wellness initiative in place. Tools to further support Operating Companies in implementing an effective wellness programme are currently in development. Heineken Africa Foundation (HAF) Established to improve the health of communities surrounding HEINEKEN breweries in Sub-Saharan Africa, HAF celebrated its fifth anniversary in 2012. At the end of 2012, the Foundation had committed to 38 healthcare projects totalling EUR3.5 million. For this and other case studies relating to HEINEKEN Cares, see our online report.

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