Resp°nsibltic<y foet - In April 2010, we organised a workshop in the Netherlands with local buyers to generate buy- in and new ideas on local sourcing. Higher levels of community support in developing markets - Expanded our agriculture sourcing and growing projects - Invested a further EUR10 million in the Heineken Africa Foundation - Increased both the absolute amount (EUR5.8 million in 2009 to EUR23.2 million in 2010) and percentage invested (0.3 per cent of operating profit BEIA in 2009 to 1.0 per cent in 2010) of Corporate Social Investment; investments in local communities in both cash and product. More, and more visible Responsible Consumption programmes - 34 markets now have a partnership relating to responsible consumption - We committed money and resources to GAPG/ ICAP global actions (see page 40) - We made new commitments for European Forum on Alcohol and Health. Clearer Responsible Consumption policy - Committed to review our Alcohol Policy in 2011 - In 2011 we will review and publish new guidelines for responsible commercial communication. More attention to human rights - All five Heineken regions were closely involved in the (further) development of our new Employees' Human Rights Policy. In addition, we discussed the content of the new policy with representatives of the Heineken European Works Council. The policy will be implemented in 2011. International Brand health measurement tool based on consumer input - For the development of new sustainable packaging, we have interviewed consumers about their behaviours and attitudes towards sustainable and responsible solutions (past, current and future). As you read through this report, you will see more about how we have incorporated this feedback into our programming and our actions. Your feedback We actively encourage all of our stakeholders to give us their feedback. We would like to know which aspects of Brewing a Better Future are working well. But we also want to know in what areas you think we could do better and whether you think there are actions we need to take or issues we need to address but which are not yet on our agenda. Please contact us, because your feedback will allow us to learn and improve. You can reach us via email, post or twitter: Sean O'Neill, Chief Corporate Relations Officer Vera Zandbergen, Manager Global Sustainable Development P0 Box 28 1000 AA Amsterdam The Netherlands Twitter address: @Heineken_CR We thank you for taking the time to review this report and we look forward to hearing your views and suggestions. More work through customers, distributors and suppliers - Developed and launched our new Supplier Code - Rolled out more environmentally efficient fridges. Dialogue with consumers - Interviews in markets by using the Heineken® Brand Dashboard. This is a Heineken® Sean O'Neill Chief Corporate Relations Officer

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Heineken - Milieuverslag | 2010 | | pagina 7