Brewing a Better Future Enablers
sustainability. We have reviewed the process for
objective setting to ensure we have full coverage
in 2011.
A plan and committee for each market
As promised, each of the 50 consolidated
operations that are in scope of Brewing a Better
Future developed a three-year sustainability plan
that supports our sustainability agenda. Each plan
defines deliverables, targets, budget and roles
and responsibilities. In addition, each company
has established a sustainability committee that
is responsible for the development and the roll-out
of the local sustainability agenda. Each committee
has members from at least the Supply Chain,
Commerce, Human Resources and Corporate
Relations functions, in order to ensure a multi-
disciplinary approach to the challenges.
Local sustainability reports
We made a commitment to publish 20 local
sustainability reports in 2010. In addition to
Heineken's global Sustainability Report, 21 of
our key Operating Companies actually did so,
focused on themes most relevant to the local
market. We believe this investment increases
our transparency and helps our stakeholders
contribute more to our Brewing a Better Future
journey. The reports can be downloaded from
The right level of governance is critical for any
business initiative. For something as wide ranging
and integral to the future as sustainability, getting
governance right is a non-negotiable precondition
for success. This is why we promised to have an
executive-level governance model in place at the
launch of Brewing a Better Future in April 2010.
To deliver on this, we defined an integrated
governance framework for both the operating
companies and Heineken Group. Sustainability
overall is governed by the Steering Committee
comprising five of the Company's most senior
executives and the Manager Global Sustainable
Development. A programme team consisting of
representatives from Commerce, Supply Chain,
Human Resources, Corporate Relations and
Control Accounting reports to the Steering
Committee. The programme team co-ordinates
the work of the 23 programmes that make up the
Brewing a Better Future approach. Each of these
programmes is led by a workstream leader from
a global function.
Supplier Code
As we had committed, in 2010 we took a further
step to encourage ethical and environmental
principles in the value chain through the review
and expansion of our Supplier Code. You can
read about the new Code in the case study on
the previous page.
In the last quarter of 2010, we began to implement
the new Supplier Code with local suppliers
throughout Europe and Africa. The implementation
programme in the Americas was delayed until
2011 due to the 2010 acquisition of the beer
operations of FEMSA.