Partnerships fori
Alcohol abuse damages lives and undermines the very
business we want to grow. Drink driving, binge drinking
and illegal alcohol, however, are complex social and
cultural problems. For this reason, there is a strong
need for alcohol producers, governments, healthcare
organisations, law enforcement agencies, parents and
educators to work together.
"Heineken's goal is to have
active and effective
partnerships aimed at
reducing alcohol-related
harm in every market
in which we have a
meaningful presence."
Brewing a Better Future
Heineken's commitment is clear: we are investing
time, money and the expertise of our people
in what we call Partnerships for Progress. Our goal
is to have a partnership focused on combating
alcohol abuse in every market in which we have
a meaningful presence.
We work together with other leaders in the
industry to develop and implement programmes
to reduce alcohol-related harm. We do this in
close co-operation with the International Centre
for Alcohol Policies (ICAP) in 17 countries and
the Caribbean.
We are also making sure that our stakeholders
including governments and NGOs worldwide are
aware of our commitments and programmes
and that they are given the opportunity to express
their honest views. This will allow Heineken to
remain a legitimate contributor to the policy debate
and to put efforts in solutions, something recognised
by the WHO as useful in developing effective
strategies to reduce alcohol related harm.
Global Actions on Harmful Drinking
Heineken is a member of Global Actions
on Harmful Drinking, a consortium of major
international beverage alcohol producers.
Together, these organisations have made
a collective commitment to address harmful
drinking through a combination of global and
local actions, with an emphasis on low and
middle-income countries. For the 2010-2012
period the work focuses on three programmes:
Drink Driving
Non-commercial alcohol.
Sean O'Neill
Chief Corporate Relations Officer