Enjoy Heineken® Responsibly
we will continue to invest in industry-wide
programmes such as the Global Actions on
Harmful Drinking in order to reduce abuse.
For many decades, the Heineken Company
and the Heineken® brand have been committed
to promoting responsible consumption. As the
world's most international beer, the Heineken®
brand plays a role in encouraging people to enjoy
our beer responsibly, as part of a positive lifestyle.
In 2010, we developed several initiatives to endorse
our responsible consumption programme Enjoy
Heineken® Responsibly (EHR):
Design rules and guidelines to have the EHR
logo on all our primary and secondary Heineken
packaging and link to the EHR website. This has
been applied to packagings in all our markets
We began updating the EHR website with the
intention to integrate it with the Heineken.com
brand website to ensure visitors to the site have
greater opportunity to see it
All Heineken UEFA Champions League (UCL)
broadcast sponsorships around UCL matches
had an EHR logo where legally allowed
33 per cent of our boarding during all UCL
games in season 2009-2010 carried the
Enjoy Heineken® Responsibly message, except
for France, Spain and Russia where this is not
legally possible
We introduced EHR advertising boardings
at Heineken Cup rugby matches
In those markets where alcohol advertising
is not allowed we broadcast Heineken match
bumpers around UCL matches with only the
Enjoy Heineken® Responsibly message
We developed guidelines on how to embed
EHR messaging and endorse responsible
consumption in our Heineken sponsored
music events.
Responsible consumption other brands
In 2010, a further nine leading brands, in key
markets, integrated responsible consumption
messaging into their primary and/or secondary
packaging. These are Cruzcampo®, Star®,
Primus®, Zywiec®, Sagres®, Gulder®, Moretti®,
Zipfer®, and Foster's®.
On premise activation
In the US, we delivered an alcohol server training
programme to employees, in order to teach
them how to serve and sell alcohol responsibly.
Employees learned how to identify levels
of intoxication, handle difficult situations and
understand the unique challenges associated with
alcohol. Additionally, we encouraged on-premise
outlets to offer training to servers.
Rules on responsible commercial
Throughout 2010, approximately 900 employees
in marketing and sales used an online learning tool
designed to help them understand and implement
Heineken's rules on responsible commercial
communication. In 2011, we will trial a specifically
designed responsible communication workshop
for all of our businesses and agency partners
with a view to rolling this out in 2012.
In 2010, we acquired the beer operations of FEMSA
in Mexico and Brazil. Throughout the year we
supported our new colleagues in these markets
using Cool@Work. Both the Mexican and Brazilian
corporate responsibility teams have been briefed
on the programme and have created their own
implementation plans.