Brewing a Better Future is an exciting journey
that has only just begun. To realise our vision of
a more sustainable world, we will make positive
and long-term investments in the environment,
communities, people and partnerships. To make
sure we reach our destination, we have focused
our actions and energy around three
strategic imperatives:
Continuously Improve the environmental
impact of our brands and business
Empower our people and the communities
in which we operate
Positively Impact the role of beer in society.
From these, we have grouped 23 programmes
of work into six inter-related initiatives that
will enable us to realise our Brewing a Better
Future goals.
Governance structure
Brewing a Better Future is governed by
a Steering Committee that meets each quarter.
The committee comprises:
Chief Corporate Relations Officer (chair)
Regional President Africa and Middle East
Chief Supply Chain Officer
Chief Commercial Officer
Chief Fluman Resources Officer.
On a day-to-day basis, Brewing a Better Future
is governed by a team of representatives from
the Supply Chain, Commerce, FIR, Control
Accounting and Corporate Relations functions.
The team is chaired by the Manager Global
Sustainable Development. Each individual
programme is led by a workstream leader
from one of our global functions.
Progress and issues in relation to Brewing a Better
Future are regularly on the Executive Committee
agenda, and the subject is on the agenda of every
Management Team in our operating businesses.
We realise that in order to be successful, we
need to embed our Brewing a Better Future
approach into our business processes.
In other words: it needs to become part of
our DNA. That is why as a first step in 2010 we
established a sustainability committee in each
market. Each market has developed its own
three-year plan for achieving Brewing a Better
Future goals, which will be rolled out in 2011.