What we said we will do by 20121 What we've done in 2010
Heineken Cares
for Progress
In 2010: double the funding for the
Heineken Africa Foundation to EUR20 million
Evaluate all local sourcing activities and set
regional targets by 2015
Evaluate reporting and monitoring system
for agriculture; define an action plan to
improve compliance
Standards for sustainable agriculture are aligned
with and verified by stakeholders
Inventory of possible partnerships with NGOs in
the area of Corporate Social Investment (CSI)
All operations that do not meet our defined
standard of healthcare to include improvement
plans 2012
Perform 12 Economic Impact Assessments (EIA)
Funding doubled to EUR20 million
Local sourcing activities initiated in Brazil,
Ireland and Mexico
We developed and tested the metrics and
questionnaires underpinning MASSA (Malting
Assessment System for Sustainable Agriculture).
This monitoring system will help us to acquire data
relating to the sustainability indicators for the apple
to cider, barley to beer and hops to beer chains
Pilot tests of our MASSA system conducted with
selected apple and barley suppliers
Preparation of better registration of current
activities by developing common definition of CSI
Standard defined and a gap analysis made for
six companies
A further three ElAs were completed in Egypt,
Croatia and The Bahamas. UK based EIA started
Develop 'Enjoy Heineken® Responsibly' (EHR)
to include on trade execution; further extend
the online programme; application of EHR in
Heineken® communication materials and primary
merchandise; migrate EHR website to consumer
facing website Heineken.com
Horeca Server Programme and Retail Programme
developed and tested
Develop a specific alcohol and work plan
for contractors
Develop and deliver a workshop to 100 per cent of
commerce/marketing employees that support our
rules on Responsible Commercial Communication
EHR logo and link to EHR website on all Heineken®
primary and secondary packaging. Rules and
guidelines in development for application of EHR
logo on communication materials and primary
merchandise. We began integrating EHR into
Horeca Best Practices gathered as input
Planned for 2011
Plan of approach for inclusion in online Heineken
Academy to be defined in 2011
At least 50 Heineken markets have a partnership
with a third party to address alcohol abuse
Criteria for successful partnerships developed
and existing partnerships reviewed
Global Actions on Harmful Drinking projects have
been implemented in key markets
Industry/government partnership projects in
Ireland and UK implemented and evaluated
Currently 34 markets have a partnership
Draft criteria developed. Markets to assess in 2011
In selected markets (Nigeria, Rwanda, Russia and
Vietnam) actions were taken in the areas of self-
regulation, drink driving and non-commercial alcohol
In 2011, Ireland will evaluate and revisit its five-
year partnership to reduce alcohol-related harm
1 Unless stated differently.
2 Index calculated with an average lifetime of a fridge of five years, new installed fridges are equal to replacement.