What we said and what we've done
What we said we will do by 20121 What we've done in 2010
Green Brewer
Green Commerce
Engaging Employees
Average greenhouse gas emissions 8.5 kg
C02 eq/hl for breweries in scope
Specific energy consumption 155 MJ/hl
Specific water consumption 4.3 hl/hl
Inventorise the environmental performance for
offices, warehouses and brewery building offices,
including studies for improving energy and
water efficiency
Energy efficient brewery designed
Water footprint studies performed
First water neutrality pilot conducted
Actual C02 emission improved to 9.3 kg C02
eq/hl, from 9.8 kg C02 eq/hl in 2009
Actual specific energy consumption in 2010
improved to 166 MJ/hl from 170 MJ/hl in 2009
Actual specific water consumption improved
from 4.8 hl/hl in 2009 to 4.5 hl/hl in 2010
Engaged with International Sustainability Alliance
on methodology to track energy consumption
of buildings and warehouses
Design currently being validated
(Göss brewery in Austria)
Conducted two water footprint studies
(Egypt and Slovakia)
Conducted water stress survey to serve
as input for the water neutrality pilots
Develop and execute a baseline carbon
footprint model
Design and adopt a new packaging policy
with agreed targets for carbon reduction
Evaluation criteria for new product innovations
introduced in all regions
Starting 2010, all new purchased fridges to
be based on green technology
15 per cent energy reduction of fridges
in cooling against index2
Continuous roll-out of guidelines on Life Cycle
Analysis and carbon footprint for cooling
equipment to suppliers
Carbon reduction opportunities in distribution
identified through footprint reviews for top
20 markets
Distribution efficiency standards defined
for owned and outsourced operations
Models tested in the UK, France, the Netherlands
and Italy
Draft policy developed; it will be agreed
and introduced in 2011
Eco design procedure and criteria in development
80 per cent of newly-bought fridges use
green technology
Estimated average energy saving of all fridges sourced
in 2010 is 16 per cent, resulting in an estimated
saving of 3 per cent on our total installed base.
In line with our 2012 ambitions
Draft test protocol developed to assess carbon
footprint and energy consumption of fridges
by suppliers, to be implemented in 2011
Calculation model for carbon emissions developed.
Already applied to the latest distribution footprint
review in France
C02 emissions included as criteria in the selection
process for road and ocean transport companies.
We joined industry initiatives driving common
standards for calculating and reducing carbon
emissions in distribution
Accident frequency target for supply chain
1.2 accidents/100 FTEs
Safety targets set for non-production related activities
Training modules for employees in high and
medium safety risk functions rolled out
Integrity included in employee surveys
and followed up
Employees' Fluman Rights Policy adopted,
implemented and audited
Day of Giving programme and volunteering scheme
implemented in 10 Operating Companies
Performance improved from 1.8 (2009)
to 1.6 accidents/100 FTEs
We began measuring non-production
related activities
Blueprint for training modules for forklift driving
created and collateral development begun
Integrity related questions included in our 2010
Climate Survey. Overall results are positive. Where
necessary suitable interventions will be put in place
Draft policy developed. Will be implemented
in Q1 of 2011. Auditing starts 2011
Programme piloted in Head Office, based
on best practice in Heineken USA